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Texas GATORFEST Cornhole Tournament Rules and Regulations

By submitting an entry you are agreeing to abide by all Texas GATORFEST rules and regulations, including those laid out hereafter. 

Date: September 10, 2022

Time: Following Washer Tournament

Place: Fort Anahuac Park

Fee: $20 per Person OR $40 per Team

Prize: CA$H!

Rules and Regulations:

  1. This is a Double Elimination Tournament. 

  2. Boards will be placed 27 feet apart from front edge of each board. 

  3. Teams consist of 2 players and both players have to stay for the whole tournament. There will be no  subs allowed when tournament starts. 

  4. Players have to stay behind the front edge of the board when throwing. If player goes past the front edge of the board the bag that was thrown will not count. 

  5. Players have to throw the bag underhand. If bag is thrown overhand the throw will not count. Must throw all 4 bags during turn and players will alternate throwing bags.

  6. A coin toss will be conducted before each game to see which team starts throwing first.

  7. Each game will go to at least 21 points. You can go over 21 points and not be penalized. If your team
    doesn’t score a point and your opponent scores 11 or more points that is a skunk and the game is over. 

  8. Scoring will be 1 point for on the board and 3 points in the hole. This tournament will follow cancellation scoring. Example: If team A has 4 points on the board and team B has 3 points on the board. Team A will be awarded 1 point.

  9. When a team scores points they start the next throwing sequence. 

  10. If a bag is thrown and hits the ground first allowing it to bounce up on the board this bag will not  count. Bag will be removed from the board. 

  11. All participants agree to abide by the following festival rules:

    1. No glass bottles or containers or concealed weapons may be brought into the park

    2. No pets are allowed in the park

    3. No refunds will be granted for any reason 

    4. No swimming permitted 

    5. Festival authorized displays only  

    6. Everyone who enters the festival is subject to search by Texas GATORFEST Security or local law enforcement officials. This includes guests, volunteers, vendors, exhibitors, contractors and entertainers  

    7. Participation in any and all activities available at Texas GATORFEST is by choice and at the participant's own risk 

    8. Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code: a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411 Government Code may not enter this property with a concealed handgun or weapon

© 2023 by Texas GATORFEST. 

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